Batting Cage Rules
All participants must sign our athletic waiver prior to stepping into the cage
When using the pitching machine, only 1 pitcher and 1 hitter at a time are allowed in the cage- all other individuals must remain 5 feet back from the cage netting.
Batters must wear helmets at all times. No exceptions.
NO METAL CLEATS are allowed in the batting cages. All players are required to wear rubber cleats or closed-toed shoes while using the Facility.
An onsite Adult/Coach is required for anyone under the age of 18 entering turf or cages
Please do not lean or hang on nets
No swinging bats anywhere other than rented practice area
Pitchers must always use a protective pitching screen for safety.
Absolutely no running or horseplay.
Food and drinks are not permitted in the batting cages or on the turf.
Please clean up the area when you are finished.